Laketown Family Dental Blog

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Dental Implant Surgery

June 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 1:48 am
person attending dental implant consultation

Having missing teeth can be a concern, but dental implants offer one of the best solutions to address this issue. These innovative posts are designed to fully restore the structure of lost teeth, revitalizing your oral functionality. If you’re set to receive implants and have some initial doubts or fears about the procedure, here are a few reasons why you can put those worries to rest when it comes to dental implant surgery.


5 Habits to Avoid with Dentures

June 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 1:27 am

Dentures are personalized, removable dental appliances designed to restore oral function and aesthetics by replacing missing teeth. Proper care and maintenance are essential to preserve the quality and lifespan of your dentures. Avoiding specific harmful habits can significantly contribute to their longevity as well as a lasting smile. Here are five habits to avoid, protecting the durability of your dentures and maintaining their optimal condition.


Your Brief Guide to the Tooth Extraction Process

May 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 5:32 am

Your pearly whites are a very important part of you; not only are they responsible for helping you to eat and speak, but they also provide several other oral health benefits that you’d be pretty unfortunate to lack. However, in some instances, your dentist might, unfortunately, need to remove one or more of your teeth in order to put your smile’s best interests first. Here’s a little more about what you can expect going into the tooth extraction process; it’s not as scary as you might think!


4 Helpful Tips for Avoiding Dental Emergencies This Summer

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 4:09 pm
a person smiling while on summer vacation

Summertime is finally here, and you’re probably getting ready for a season filled with family, friends, food, and lots of fun! However, no matter what your plans are, something you should be conscious of is the possibility of experiencing a dental emergency. That said, you don’t have to sit there and worry about it happening—you can still enjoy yourself, as long as you take the correct precautions! Here are four useful tips for avoiding dental emergencies this summer so you can focus on having a terrific time.


Is Enamel Loss a Problem?

April 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 4:38 am
3-d model of a tooth with thinning enamel

Your enamel is one of the key components of your teeth, and it happens to be the strongest resource in your body. That’s because it does an incredibly important job—biting, chewing, and slicing into everything you eat.

As you may know, it’s possible for your enamel to wear down over time. You may have even had a dentist tell you that this is happening to you. If you’re wondering if that’s a problem, here’s what you should know.


Are Dental Implants the Best Tooth Replacement Option?

April 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 2:01 pm
Model of dental implant standing in a row with natural teeth

What’s the best way to replace your missing teeth? While there’s no one answer that’s right for everybody – each patient has their own unique needs to consider, after all – many dentists consider dental implants to be a cut above traditional options like bridges and dentures. What makes implants different from other tooth replacements? And are they really the top choice for fixing an incomplete grin? Here are the facts.


Oral Cancer Awareness Month: Symptoms and Risk Factors to Watch Out For

March 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 2:03 pm
Holding a red and white ribbon for oral cancer awareness

Did you know that nearly 54,000 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed in the United States every year? It may not get as much attention as other types of cancer, but it can still be a life-threatening issue. Having oral cancer screened and diagnosed early could make all the difference for your chances of survival. Seeing as April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, now is a good time to review some of the risk factors and symptoms associated with this disease.


Veneers or Teeth Whitening, Which is Best?

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 7:10 pm
Young adult with a shining white smile

Plenty of people feel that they could do with a little bit of a brighter smile. Some people, however, feel like they’ll never be able to get that with just dental hygiene alone.

Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you’ve been looking for. In fact, there are a multitude of things your dentist can do to give you whiter teeth. Teeth whitening and veneers are both cosmetic treatments that can give you results that you can be more than happy with.

Often picking between the two of them comes down to personal preference. If you’re wondering how to make that decision, here’s a guide that may be able to help you.


How Will Veneers Require You to Change Your Diet?

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 7:04 pm
Woman having veneers placed on her teeth

Veneers are capable of taking whatever kind of teeth you’re working with and transforming them into the smile of your dreams! Within as little as two appointments, your dentist can give you teeth that you can truly be proud of.

You may wonder, however, if you’ll have to make any lifestyle changes to accommodate your new veneers. In particular, patients tend to be worries about whether they’ll need to make any changes in their diet. If you’re curious, here’s what your ought to know about that.


4 Ways Get the Most Out of Your Smile with Veneers

January 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 3:01 am
veneers ready to be placed at a dental office

While there are many cosmetic dental treatments that can fix flaws in your teeth, veneers are one that can completely transform your smile. The ultra-thin porcelain shells cover the front of your pearly whites, concealing an array of dental issues, including chipped, cracked, discolored, or misshaped teeth. In addition, your new picture-perfect smile with veneers can be completed within two appointments! But how long can you expect your upgraded grin to last? Read on to learn how long you can count on this cosmetic solution and four ways to make the most of them!

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