Veneers or Teeth Whitening, Which is Best?

February 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 7:10 pm
Young adult with a shining white smile

Plenty of people feel that they could do with a little bit of a brighter smile. Some people, however, feel like they’ll never be able to get that with just dental hygiene alone.

Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you’ve been looking for. In fact, there are a multitude of things your dentist can do to give you whiter teeth. Teeth whitening and veneers are both cosmetic treatments that can give you results that you can be more than happy with.

Often picking between the two of them comes down to personal preference. If you’re wondering how to make that decision, here’s a guide that may be able to help you.


How Will Veneers Require You to Change Your Diet?

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 7:04 pm
Woman having veneers placed on her teeth

Veneers are capable of taking whatever kind of teeth you’re working with and transforming them into the smile of your dreams! Within as little as two appointments, your dentist can give you teeth that you can truly be proud of.

You may wonder, however, if you’ll have to make any lifestyle changes to accommodate your new veneers. In particular, patients tend to be worries about whether they’ll need to make any changes in their diet. If you’re curious, here’s what your ought to know about that.


4 Ways Get the Most Out of Your Smile with Veneers

January 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 3:01 am
veneers ready to be placed at a dental office

While there are many cosmetic dental treatments that can fix flaws in your teeth, veneers are one that can completely transform your smile. The ultra-thin porcelain shells cover the front of your pearly whites, concealing an array of dental issues, including chipped, cracked, discolored, or misshaped teeth. In addition, your new picture-perfect smile with veneers can be completed within two appointments! But how long can you expect your upgraded grin to last? Read on to learn how long you can count on this cosmetic solution and four ways to make the most of them!


How Long Will My Smile Last with a Cosmetic Dental Treatment?

January 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 2:53 am
a man smiling in the mirror at his cosmetic dental treatment

Cosmetic dentistry can give you the new, beautiful smile you have always dreamed of! From brightening your teeth with professional whitening to concealing chips or cracks with dental bonding, advanced dental technologies and techniques provide so many options. However, you want your investment in your new pearly whites to last. Read on to learn about five common cosmetic dentistry options and the amount of time you can expect to enjoy them!


What’s the Dental Crown Lifespan?

December 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 10:14 pm
patient speaking with dentist about dental crown lifespan

If you’ve ever had a damaged or severely infected tooth? You’re likely familiar with dental crowns. These small, tooth-shaped caps that are commonly used to fix these issues, but they can also repair teeth that are misshapen, discolored, and more. Dental crowns are responsible for saving many smiles from further harm, but how long do they usually last? Continue reading to learn about the dental crown and lifespan so you can get an idea of how long your repaired smile will continue to look lovely.


Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

November 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 7:06 pm
person looking at dental implant

You know you want to replace your missing teeth, but you’re unsure as to which treatment option is worthy of your investment. While there is the potential to choose a dental bridge or traditional denture to give you back the smile of your dreams, you may find that surgically implanted options offer much more bang for your buck. If you’re asking the question, “Are dental implants worth the cost in Norton Shores,” a local dentist explains why they are.


4 Facts You Should Know About Dental Implants

October 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 10:33 pm
dentist touching cheek and holding dental implant model

Missing teeth can do a lot of harm. Along with making you feel less confident in your smile, they can also leave the door open for oral health issues. There are several tooth replacement options available, but dental implants are one of the most popular. If you’re considering this treatment, read on to learn 4 interesting facts that you should know about dental implants.


Importance of Early Detection of Oral Health Problems

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 9:28 pm
person sitting in dental chair speaking to dentist

When it comes to keeping your smile healthy and bright, visiting the dentist is one of the most important things you can do. In general, patients should visit every six months for a checkup and a thorough cleaning of their teeth and gums. During these visits, your dentist will do an examination of your smile. This is key to keeping your mouth healthy, but how so? Read on to learn about three reasons why the early detection of oral health issues is such a crucial part of maintaining the wellbeing of your beam.


The Evolution of Dental Implants

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 10:48 pm
dentist explaining dental implant model

The solution for missing teeth has changed drastically over the years. Dental implants in Norton Shores are now one of the most popular forms of tooth replacement that provide unmatched stability and durability. However, they weren’t always made of titanium and have endured quite the journey to becoming what they are today. Read on to learn from your dentist about their evolution and how today’s implants are more beneficial than ever.


3 Ways Dentures Affect Your Sense of Taste

August 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — laketownfamily @ 3:39 pm
Dentures from Norton Shores

As the saying goes, you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. People lose many things they take for granted with age. One notable example is the sense of taste, which diminishes as your body’s ability to smell and produce saliva weakens. Still, your dentures from Norton Shores could be making this loss even worse. As it turns out, these prosthetics have features that can interfere with tasting. Read on to learn three major ways dentures impact taste and how to overcome them.

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